7 ways to Brighten Someone’s Day
Mental Health Awareness Week 21 – 27 Sept 2020
Every year in Aotearoa, we focus on Mental Health Awareness . There is no escaping that 2020 has created some huge challenges for us all, right across our daily lives.
This year’s theme, “Reimagine Wellbeing Together” – He Tirohanga Anamata, encourages us to reflect on the big and small actions we’ve taken to take care of each other this year.
Sometimes it’s hard to reimagine what wellbeing looks like. We all have mental wellbeing. It can mean different things for us all. It’s a timely reminder to embrace the simple things we can do each day to really help strengthen our wellbeing. This can then can help us through the tough times.
There is a new theme each day – beginning with “Recharge with others” – Whiria te muka tangata.
Check out the Mentemia website where they have lots of daily activities, talks and tips for the week of Mental Health Awareness. Want to help others and invite more joy into your life? Doing kind things for others floods your body with feel-good hormones – just like the ones you get from runner’s high. Read their blog on 7 ways to Brighten Someone’s Day which include tiny yet thoughtful gestures that make the world a better place. They will not only brighten your day but someone else’s.